

Two households, both alike in dignity, have come together to create this Potstill Brandy of rare distinction.

Rooted in fine artisanal craftmanship, H&G Fine & Rare Potstill Brandy is distilled in an age-old tradition through an Alembic Potstill.  The result is a timeless brandy, with a spicy, elegant structure that develops a complex, layered taste of peaches, ginger, marzipan, and candied orange peel during barrel-aging. Acclaimed South African International Spirit Judge, Dave Hughes, on first tasting H&G Fine & Rare Potstill Brandy, spontaneously declared:

“Different, unique, refined, spicy, too complex to define. I think it’s delicious.”

In creating H&G Fine & Rare Potstill Brandy, the choice of wood, the size of barrels to use, and the length of time the brandy should be aged to gain maximum effect, were serious considerations. At H&G, the decision was taken to emulate classic French producers by using new 225-litre barriques from Limousin.

As the brandy matures and develops in barrel, air gently passes through the oak pores to interact with all the brandy’s components. Vanilla notes change to caramel then to toffee; the fruit flavours become less floral and primal and begin picking up additional concentration.  New and complexed flavours will emerge. The alcohol level begins to slowly dissipate, creating a rounder, more harmonious brandy. When the alcohol, fruit and nutty complexity begin to converge, the brandy is considered to be at its summit. In finding the summit, Master Distiller, George Dalla Cia, concluded  that H&G would be barrel-aged for not less than nine years before entering the bottle. H&G Fine & Rare Potstill Brandy is barrel-aged for a minimum IX+ years.

Winner of the International Wine and Spirit Competition's 2018 Silver Medal in London.